“But God … Sent Me Ahead of You”
FOCUS (the core of the content to be communicated)
“But God” … those two words form what’s known as a prepositional phrase in English (a phrase that consists of a preposition and its object and has adjectival or adverbial value). They’re found together in the same sentence 612 times in the NIV. They’re right next to each other in that order 66 times, 32 in the Old Testament & 34 in the New Testament. Especially when they’re right next to each other, it’s always interesting, sometimes truly captivating & often very intense to note what is right before them & right after them.
Today we begin a 7-week series highlighting several of the times they appear together. We’ll start with the ones found in Genesis 45:7-8 & 50:20. By the time we arrive at the end of this series, my hope is that we’ll more clearly see how good, powerful, trustworthy, kind & in control God really & always is.
The story of Joseph tells us that God …
1. is more than able to override anything & redeem everything.
Sometimes delays are God setting things up to set things in motion. / Genesis 45:7-8
2. uses even the worst of what people can do as a backdrop
to highlight His grace, mercy, kindness, power & love.
No one can thwart or throttle God’s will & ways. / Genesis 50:20
1] In what ways have you seen this play out in your life?
2] And in what ways have you seen this play out in your life?
Action Step
Think of one of the most significant ways God’s given you perspective & peace as
He brought you through a struggle. Pray for opportunities to share that with others.
Cornerstone Community Church 5344 Fishcreek Rd Stow OH 44224 <>< ><> Pastor Dan Page October 23, 2022 www.ccc-stow.faithlifesites.com